Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thursday August 11, 2011 - Bartram Trail / Landingsville

RICHARD will lead a ~ 5 mile hike on the BARTRAM TRAIL, a section of the SCHUYLKILL RIVER TRAIL traversing to Landingsville in Schuylkill County. We will circle the scenic marsh, home of 211 species of birds and take a diversion to view the birthplace of one of our own “famous” hikers, (wonder who that may be?), then return to our starting point. There will be an optional restaurant stop after the hike for those interested in dining.

MEET: 9:30 A.M. @ Redner’s Market parking lot off rte. 61 N in Leesport.
TELEPHONE: Rich 610-926-3415 with any questions.