Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thursday October 13, 2011 - Pike County

LISA (Al’s Niece) will lead a moderate (5 mile total) hike on 2 separate trails in Pike County in the Pocono Environmental Education Center. We will take the 3 mile, 2 hour Tumbling Waters Trail, a loop that will take us back to the Center parking lot where our cars are parked. We can take a break and use the facility and grab a snack left in the car. No food is recommended on the trail due to possible bear in the vicinity. After the break we will continue on the 2 mile, 1 hour Scenic Gorge Trail, a loop in the opposite direction returning to our starting point to end the hike. On the way home we can stop in Marshall’s Creek for food at a restaurant of choice.

1st MEET: 8:00 A.M. @ Parking lot next to Walmart behind McDonald’s off Bus. Rte. 222 north in Temple.
2nd MEET: 10-10:30 A.M. @ Pocono E. E. Center parking lot.

TELEPHONE: Al 610-929-9694 with any questions.