BEVERLY has planned to lead an easy to moderate 4-5 mile hike at Leaser Lake in Jacksonville, Lehigh County; starting at the North Parking Lot. There will be some moderate hills and some rocks. Bridges are now open over the dam and stream. Recommend water and hat since some of the trail is through meadowland. Lunch is optional afterwards at C.J. Hummel's in Lenhartsville.
MEET: 9:00 A.M. @ Redner's IN HAMBURG for those not familiar with the location or 9:30 AM at the North Parking Lot; turn left after Jacksonville.
TELEPHONE: Hike Leader Bev 610 603 6876c with questions.
Does anyone have the GPS coordinates of the "North Parking lot"? Is it the same as the boat launch? 40.677924,-75.831687