Sunday, August 18, 2024

Thursday August 22, 2024 - Blue Marsh (Stilling Basin)

Moderate 4 mile loop

Leader Eugenia will lead a hike in the BLUE MARSH area starting at the upper lot near the stilling basin. We will hike the Dog Lake and Switchback Trails.

Meeting place: 9:30 AM at the Stilling Basin - Upper lot near the basin.

Directiona: From Route 183 north, turn left at the CVS onto W. Leesport Road. Turn right onto 

County Welfare Road. At the stop sign, turn left onto Palisades Road, then right into the Stilling Basin.

NOTE: WEAR ORANGE TO BE SAFE, also heavy precipitation will cancel this hike.

 For more information and further directions, contact: Eugenia 484-557-7854 

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